REMA 2023
# REMA 2023
REMA 2023
“Artistic diversity & discoverability at the heart of musical creation”
Nowadays, the dominant media where all the world’s musical content is displayed is made up of GAFAM (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft) as well as streaming platforms.
They offer a very wide variety of content, access to this diversity based on the use of algorithms which generate recommendations so that the user finds themselves within a considerable mass of content. This use of algorithms has sparked numerous debates regarding their ability to generate diversity or produce homogeneity.
Algorithms are powerful and scalable tools that have become widespread for making complex decisions. They allow you to discover hidden trends, relevant information, explore different options and find innovative and varied solutions.
From the perspective of this debate, on one hand, algorithms can actually help users discover new content that they wouldn’t have found otherwise. They can also help users find the content that suits them best, taking into account their viewing history and interests.
On the other hand, these algorithms also have effects on diversity by producing homogeneous and repetitive results. In this hypothesis, algorithms only reinforce already existing biases by only offering content that meets the preferences and interests of users, but also by facilitating the work of prescribers.
It is around these elements of reflection that the concept of discoverability recently appeared.
Discoverability is a term that refers to the process by which an artist can be found and recognized by an audience. It’s a concept that has gained prominence in recent years as traditional methods of marketing and promoting artists have proven ineffective in reaching a wider audience. Discoverability is a powerful tool for artists looking to promote and distribute their music. Digital tools, such as social media, streaming services and online music platforms, can help artists gain exposure and increase their chances of being discovered. Artists can also leverage traditional media, such as radio and television, to increase their visibility and awareness.
Discoverability is also essential to music creation. It allows artists to find inspiration, share their ideas and meet other musicians who could help them improve their skills and develop. Artists may also find opportunities through collaborative projects and festivals that provide them with the opportunity to perform in front of larger audiences. Finally, discoverability is a powerful tool for artists looking to expand their audience and gain popularity. Thus, there is a whole field here that can allow artists to use digital and traditional methods to share their creations with the world and expand their audience.