REMA 2020
# REMA 2020
REMA 2020
“Music, digital and local economies, how to develop suitable tools? “
The African music ecosystem has seen changes in recent years with the digital boom. A real upheaval which grows day by day and which calls on those in the music industry to train for better adaptation.
Indeed, today in Africa, the phenomenon of digitalization is a determining issue for the future of the cultural and creative industries. With a significant penetration rate of smartphones in our countries, we are convinced that the digital transformation will generate positive impacts for these ICCs and music in particular. We often receive ideas that maintain that digital technology has negative effects for music, but this is not the case. The advantage of this continent is that we have exponential consumption in terms of DATA, in addition the phenomenon of mobile banking facilitates transactions.
It is therefore essential for us music professionals to carry out constructive reflections to allow our ecosystem to make digital its ally.
This is how REMA 2020 focused on the theme:
Music, digital and local economies, how to develop suitable tools?